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Burning Question?


The questions answered through the Burning Question feature are for the sole purpose of furthering one's understanding of ADD/ADHD, and/or it's treatment. There is a $10.00 to $50.00 fee for this service. The fee is based on the time spent answering your question. Some questions require research, and citations, to answer appropriately. While this takes some time, ADD Coach Services has the expertise to quickly access the appropriate, most accurate, and updated, information to answer your question.

Spending the fee to find a comprehensive answer to your Burning Question, can save you from hours of frustration spent weeding through thousands of search results, trying to determine which sources are legitimate and accurate. You will also have confidence that ADD Coach Services will provide an answer based on scientific evidence and over 30 years of professional, and a lifetime of personal, ADD/ADHD experiences.

Payment must be made by Venmo before questions are answered. Your question will be answered within one week of payment confirmation.

Please do not ask very involved, personal questions, which are truly unique to your situation. Questions asked here should have a wide appeal and require an answer that is educational in nature. You will be informed of the fee for your answer and have the right to accept or reject it. If you reject the fee charged, you will not receive your answer. The fee is based on the time spent answering your question.


Some appropriate questions received in the past are: 


  • My child's school suggested I have my child tested for ADD. How do I do this?
  • Is there a definitive test to determine if my child really has ADD/ADHD?
  • My child was diagnosed with ADHD. Is medication the only valid treatment?
  • Does it matter if I take my child to the pediatrician, instead of a psychiatrist, to be evaluated for ADD?
  • My child can focus on video games for hours but was diagnosed with ADHD. Is the diagnosis wrong?
  •  My child received a diagnosis of ADD but my gut tells me the diagnosis isn't right. How can I know for sure if the diagnosis is accurate?


Some inappropriate questions, for this particular service, are:

  •  My doctor prescribed Ritalin for my child. Is this the best medication choice?
  •  My child was tested by the school for ADD and Learning Disabilities but denied services based on the results. Why?
  •  My child has trouble sitting still and paying attention but the doctor says she doesn't have ADD. I think he's wrong, don't you agree?
  •  My child misbehaves & doesn't listen to me, but is well behaved for my husband, so he doesn't believe my son has ADHD.  Is he right?
  • My child tried Ritalin and Concerta but they didn't help. Does this mean my child can't take ADD medication? ______________________________________       

The first set of questions above are general. They do not require my having information specific to the child in question, in order to answer them appropriately and accurately. The second set of questions are more specific to the child in question. I would need to have more detailed information regarding the child's specific medical, familial, and/or academic history in order to provide an appropriate and accurate answer.   

If your question is of a more specific and personal nature, please click here for directions on how to have that question answered. The fee for a one time personal and specific answer ranges between $50.00 and $200.00, depending on the complexity of the question, and the time required to answer it appropriately.

If your question is a general one, appropriate for this venue, please proceed by completing the form below.


* Required fields

Should your question not be appropriate for this venue you will receive an email informing you so, with suggestions regarding more appropriate options.  After submitting your question, please use your back button to continue to explore the ADD Coach Services website.